Google Earth World Icons Data I


Latitude / Longitude


World Icon:

22 57 05.76 S 43 12 37.79 W

Beijing, China

Christ the Redeemer Statue

47 37 13.36 N 122 20 56.45 W


Diamond Head

55 45 08.88 N 37 37 22.98 E

Central America

Eiffel Tower

38 53 24.01 N 77 00 32.35 W


Forbidden City

08 59 47.74 N 79 35 29.81 W


Gateway Arch

38 37 30.07 N 90 11 05.23 W

Nevada & Arizona Border

Hollywood Sign

21 15 47.38 N 157 48 16.70 W

Paris, France

Hoover Dam

48 51 30.00 N 2 17 40.00 E

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Panama Canal

39 55 00.00 N 116 23 27.61 E

Moscow, Russia

Saint Basil's Cathedral

36 00 57.42 N 114 44 15.84 W

Saint Louis, Missouri

Space Needle

34 08 02.61 N 118 19 17.82 W

Seattle, Washington

United States Capitol Building

41 54 07.66 N 12 27 12.31 E

Washington DC

Vatican City

Confirm all icon names and locations with Wikipedia.



1. Save this document in your My Documents folder with the filename:

Last name, first name, class and Google Earth World Icons I. 

I.E. (Doe John 4a Google Earth World Icons I)

2. Copy a Latitude / Longitude from the table above into the search box in Google Earth.

3. Decide which world icon the coordinates brought you to; paste the Latitude Longitude UNDER the appropriate picture (next to the Lat. Long. cell).

4. Use visual clues in Google Earth and Wikipedia to decide the appropriate “Location” and “World Icon” name.  Copy and paste the locations and world icon names from the table above to the appropriate cell in your Google Earth World Icons I page (under the picture).

5. Copy TWO interesting sentences from Wikipedia to the “Facts” cell under the appropriate picture.

6. When your Google Earth World Icons I page is complete: save it, close MS Word and copy it from your My Documents folder to your class folder in the Turn_It_In folder