My name is Brigitta Kelly Hall. I was born on December 15th, 2001 in Akron.
My dad’s name is David and he is the computer teacher at IHM. My mom takes us
to Alaska sometimes. My sister,
Svea, is in 2nd grade. My little sister, Annika, is three and very
funny. I am funny, too. I am nice and cool. My family goes to church together
every Sunday. Going to church with my family makes me feel good about myself.
I take ballet. I will be performing onstage. I love riding on airplanes. My favorite movie is Cats. My favorite
animal is a rabbit. I hope to have one for a pet someday. My favorite food is
ice cream. I like to sing songs in school. My favorite toy is my stuffed
rabbit, Bunny. My favorite color is blue. I am in Kindergarten. I like IHM!
here to watch me blow up!
Here I am skating with my big sister,

Here I am with Santa and my sisters.

Here I am decorating Christmas cookies.

Here I am hiking on an island.

Here I am with a caterpillar.
